Cold Temps & Guys
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 10:15:12 -0500
In a message dated 96-12-24 09:42:37 EST, you write:
>Ok...Here is another dumb questions I've always wondered about!
This isn't a dumb question at all!
>How does cold temperatures affect guy wires? Do they shrink in cold and
>expand in hot?
Yes they do. The only example I have is for 1/4 inch EHS; maybe one of
our more engineering enlightened tower heads can fill in the 3/16 info (I've
got the formulas if anyone's interested).
>Now... I use to have 1/4 inch guys on the tower several years ago that dod
>just that. Well, this time when I put up the tower I purchase new guy wire
>(the other stuff was hard to work with and I didn't need all that guys wire
>for a 60 foot tower...besides, I hade saddle and I moved on to
>grips). I've been checking them now that the temp has been at 5 to 10
>degrees for the past week and they have not tighted like the old guys.
Here's the 1/4 inch EHS info:
Temp. Pounds tension
120 502#
90 583#
60 665#
30 747#
0 829#
These figures assume initial tension of 665# at 60 degrees F and for guys
which are 45 degrees to the horizontal.
You can see how they contract in cold weather and the tension goes up.
If you do your erection in any of those temperatures, the initial tension
should correspond to this temperature corrected figure.
73, Steve K7LXC
TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs
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