Cold Temps & Guys

Wayne Alexander
Tue, 24 Dec 1996 12:06:00 -0400 (AST)

Is the shrinkage of the tower factored into the figures below???

On Tue, 24 Dec 1996 wrote:

> In a message dated 96-12-24 09:42:37 EST, you write:
> >Ok...Here is another dumb questions I've always wondered about!
>       This isn't a dumb question at all!  
> >
> >How does cold temperatures affect guy wires?  Do they shrink in cold and
> >expand in hot?
> >
>      Yes they do.  The only example I have is for 1/4 inch EHS; maybe one of
> our more engineering enlightened tower heads can fill in the 3/16 info (I've
> got the formulas if anyone's interested).
> >Now...  I use to have 1/4 inch guys on the tower several years ago that dod
> >just that.  Well, this time when I put up the tower I purchase new guy wire
> >(the other stuff was hard to work with and I didn't need all that guys wire
> >for a 60 foot tower...besides, I hade saddle and I moved on to
> >grips).  I've been checking them now that the temp has been at 5 to 10
> >degrees for the past week and they have not tighted like the old guys.
>      Here's the 1/4 inch EHS info:
> Temp.   Pounds tension
> 120       502#
> 90         583#
> 60         665#
> 30         747#
> 0           829#
> These figures assume initial tension of 665# at 60 degrees F and for guys
> which are 45 degrees to the horizontal.  
>      You can see how they contract in cold weather and the tension goes up.
>  If you do your erection in any of those temperatures, the initial tension
> should correspond to this temperature corrected figure.  
> 73,  Steve  K7LXC
>     TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs
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