CW Issue/new rig sales
Thu, 6 Jun 1996 12:45:02 -0400
In a message dated 96-05-24 13:00:27 EDT, you write:
>Sometime back there was a discussion on rebuilding rotors. I may need that
>service. After 27 faithful years, I retired my 1963 Ham-M in favor of a new
>Ham 4. 5 years later, under the massive load presented by a TA-33, the
>antenna is happily spinning in the breeze. Hopefully the wx gods will smile
>on Milwaukee for at least a short period this weekend so I can get up there
>and pull the thing out.
>I know of CATS, and I believe there was another person recommended here. I
>also remember you mentioning a rebuilding service offered by Hy-Gain. Can
>you refresh my memory? What's the best way to go?
Bruce --
Thanks for rattling my cage. You'd think I was as busy as you are - hi!
Craig at CATS does great work. He's at 419-352-4465. $50 for
refurbishing labor.
Norm at Norm's Rotor Service (301-874-5885) is also highly recommended.
Norm has a home page Both guys offer rebuilt
rotators, accessories and other related products. Check them out.
The best kept secret, though, is Hy-Gain factory service. For a flat
fee ($75 for Ham IV rotator only), they'll fix ANYTHING that's wrong with it.
They just fixed a really busted Ham IV for me and put in $215 worth of parts
-- all for the flat fee. And that doesn't include labor.
BTW, I'll be writing a 3-part series on rotators that will be in my
"Up The Tower" column in CQ Contest magazine that will have lots of nifty
info. Suggest you pick up a copy.
73, Steve K7LXC
TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs