2 element, 5-band Gem Quad (10, 12, 15, 17, 20M)
jim funk
Fri, 7 Jun 1996 09:46:42 -0500
The following request for info comes from Tom NU7J who is not
on-line yet. Please reply to my e-mail address and I'll forward to him by
snail mail. Will also summarize for the reflector if there's enough
73, Jim N9JF
I'm looking for recommendations, ideas, etc. regarding the best way to feed
a 5-band, 2 element Gem Quad.
I currently am feeding all 5 bands with a single, 50 ohm coax, through a 1:1
balun. The antenna works, but performance is not the best, and the SWR is
high on 2 bands. The antenna heighth is 65 feet.
I'm considering several schemes, such as:
use 2 feedlines, one for 10, 12, 15, and one for 17, 20
use 3 feedlines, one for 10, 12, one for 15, 17, and one for 20
use 5 separate feedlines, one for each band
I'm also looking for recommendations regarding which type of balun to use:
The Gem quad-supplied balun is a kit, consisting of wire and a toroid core.
I was wondering if there are other baluns which may be more resistant to
failures, weather, etc.
I'd appreciate hearing from others with experience with multi-band quads.
Thanks, Tom NU7J
Jim Funk - Amateur Radio N9JF
Where the 160 antennas have Jersey "Cownterpoises"