MA-550 Tower Installation
Lanny Rathert
Sun, 16 Jun 1996 07:32:40 -0700
I recently puchased a used Ma-550 tubular crank-up tower,which weighs 435
lbs.I am wondering if there are any special requirements for
installation.The tower will be attached to the apex of my roof at the 18
foot level.With this type of installation the literature calls for a
concrete pad 1.5'x1.5'x1.5'.Is this sufficient for this tower?How is the
tower rasied to the vertical position ie:winch?,manpower?,crane?.Is the
coax and rotor cable tied to the tower or are the cx-3m coax arms
required?This my first experience with tubular towers,have always had
Rohn type towers.Any help will greatly appreciated. Lanny Rathert N0AJZ