More tramming advice

Stan Griffiths
Sun, 23 Jun 1996 13:59:09 -0700 (PDT)

><I recall the day we used the tram for a 6el 20M monster.  The pull up rope
>was being <handled by a garden tractor.  All went fine until the beam arrived
>at the tower, but the <driver didn't know that and kept hauling---the tractor
>noise was higher than the <screams.

This is exactly why I refuse to work on any antenna or tower project that
uses power to pull things up the tower.  You want to use power?  Ok.  Just
find another tower guy . . . not me!  (57 years old and still alive after a
LOT of tower jobs . . .)

OK.  So I gave in a couple of times during a weak moment.  I was weak and
stupid and lucky to be alive now . . .  We get wiser when we get older  . .
. IF we manage to get older . . .
