US Tower MA440 Plan?
Stan Griffiths
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 16:59:37 -0700 (PDT)
>You can tell me to dig a big hole, but please don't tell me to get a new XYL!
>(Get her away from amateur radio antennas, and she's the sweetest thing).
>Joe Spinosa
>Concord, CA (CM97ax)
I wouldn't think of suggesting you trade in your wife on a new model.
However, I would suggest you take up another dastardly pastime so your wife
can realize, on her own, what a great hobby ham radio is. It is all
relative, you know.
Once you have taken up a new pastime (like frequenting the local topless bar
or constantly watching X rated movies and have them running whenever company
drops by), you will have something you can trade for permission to errect a
reasonable tower.
On a more serious note, you can install a huge block of concrete underground
for your tower base with only a little bit of it protruding from the soil
around the tower itself.
My "wife solution" was to take up ham radio first and get a wife second that
knew what it was all about by watching me operate, etc. My wife actually
spent the night with me in my hamshack at my parents' house during the SS
contest. Of course, she was not my wife at the time. This was in the 1961
SS and I believe I took a section award for CW in Oregon that year.
Obviously, nothing but serious SS work occurred during the contest. She
STILL married me . . . go figure. (For those who are into checking the
facts, my call was W7TML in 1961.)
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