1996-October Archives by Author
Starting: Tue Oct 1 01:03:04 1996
Ending: Thu Oct 31 23:39:33 1996
Messages: 365
- Trees falling onto guy wires
C. Logan Dietz (KE5FI)
- Guy supports
C. Logan Dietz (KE5FI)
- not da birds -- da wasps!
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- 204CA tuning problems
- Fwd: 204CA tuning problems
- Loop or 1/4-wave sloper for 40 meter
Nilsson & Partners AB
- Gin pole recommendations
Assarabowski, Richard
- poor service-etc
Bill Aycock
- Determine geographic North
Bill Aycock
- Non-Rohn Tower
- Rotor parts...
- Tower/Climable Mast (LONG)
- Da Birds
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
- Rohn Flat 55 Base Section
- Determine geographic North
- Field Day Filters
William Barnes
- Wooden Poles; Birth of a New Contest Stn.
Pat Barthelow
- Rohn 65G question
Paul Beckmann
- Da Birds
Paul Beckmann
- US Tower MA40 Plan Part II
Paul Beckmann
- Magnetic Deviation (was: declination??)
Darryl G. Bennett
- Determine geographic North
Darryl G. Bennett
- Rotor parts...
Bernie McClenny, WR3E
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Bill Fisher, KM9P
- [TowerTalk] K5NA on 10M yagis (Story)
Bill Fisher, W4AN
- [TowerTalk] NA8V on 10M (Story)
Bill Fisher, W4AN
- Magnetic Variation
William G Bithell
- Getting Your Bearings
Ben Bond
- not da birds -- da wasps!
Steve Bookout
- not da birds -- da wasps!
Steve Bookout
- Need EZ-Way adr/phone
Rich L. Boyd
- Da Birds
Rich L. Boyd
- Da Birds
Rich L. Boyd
- Guy supports
Rich L. Boyd
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
Rich L. Boyd
- bldg inspectors
Rich L. Boyd
- magnetic variation
Rich L. Boyd
- knocking on doors
Howard Brainen
- Rohn 55 rotating tower
Howard Brainen
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Tony Brock-Fisher
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Open in coax
Tony Brock-Fisher
- Years of use on coax
Tony Brock-Fisher
- will two KT34A's make an XA?
Tony Brock-Fisher
- mast
Tony Brock-Fisher
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
John Brosnahan
- Da Birds
John Brosnahan
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
John Brosnahan
- Rotating tower bearings
John Brosnahan
- swaged fittings for guywires
John Brosnahan
- swaged fittings for guywires
John Brosnahan
- Open in coax
John Brosnahan
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
John Brosnahan
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
John Brosnahan
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
John Brosnahan
- mast
John Brosnahan
- Asynchronous Balun Correction
John Brosnahan
- Magnetic Variation
Robert Brown
- Open in coax
Chuck Brudtkuhl
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Darrel Van Buer
- not da birds -- da wasps!
Lee Buller
- Lanyard ropes for dipoles
Lee Buller
- Da Birds
Chris R. Burger
- Rotating tower bearings
Chris R. Burger
- Magnetic Variation
Chris R. Burger
- Magnetic Deviation (was: declination??)
Chris R. Burger
- Magnetic Deviation (was: declination??)
Chris R. Burger
- Rohn 25 for sale
Larry Bush
- Ham Radio Clip Art
Larry Bush
- What happened to The DX Reflector?
Mark Byard
- 40m small quad - help needed
- quad antenna modeling
- 40m small quad
- Guy supports
Michael Causey
- Open in coax
Robert Chudek
- Determine geographic North
Robert Chudek
- Determine geographic North
Robert Chudek
- Non-Rohn Tower
Dan Cisson
- Da Birds
Dan Cisson
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Craig Clark
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Craig Clark
- Years of use on coax
Craig Clark
- wiretalk
Craig Clark
- Due North
Craig Clark
- EMT used as mast...NO!
Bill Coleman
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Bill Coleman
- value of low wires
Bill Coleman
- Magnetic Deviation (was: declination??)
Bill Coleman
- Magnetic Variation (was: Deviation)
Bill Coleman
- need information on horizontal loop antenna
Bill Coleman
- impedence match
Bill Cotter
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Michael Cowart
- Towers and building permits
Cathy Elizabeth D'Entremont
- YAESU G-800S
Jack D.Colson
- Ham Radio Clip Art
- Rohn 25 for sale
Darin Divinia
- New E-mail Address
Darin Divinia
- Stealth Towers/Antennas
Big Don
- bldg inspectors
Big Don
- WTB Fiberglas rod or information on supplier
Frank Donovan
- Grounding parasitic elements on KT34XA
Frank Donovan
- 40-2CD proximity to 20-4CD (fwd)
Frank Donovan
- Guy supports
Frank Donovan
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
Frank Donovan
- Hardline and Rotors
Frank Donovan
- mast
Frank Donovan
- wiretalk
Frank Donovan
- Antenna tuning
Victor A. Dubois
- Top Rail
Tim S. Ellam
- Canadian Tower Info
Tim S. Ellam
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Gary D. Elliott
- Control Box for Rotor Brake
Gary D. Elliott
- Reply to John re. R7 Masting
Roger L. Elowitz
- EMT Mast For Cushcraft R5
Roger L. Elowitz
- Cushcraft R-5 over Cushcraft 11 el 2-m beam?
Roger L. Elowitz
- Grounding CATV Hardline
Roger L. Elowitz
- Stealth Towers/Antennas
Roger L. Elowitz
- declination??
Roger L. Elowitz
- Getting Your Bearings
Roger L. Elowitz
- Ground Rod Placement
Roger L. Elowitz
- Ground Rod Placement
Roger L. Elowitz
- roof tripod info
Nick England
- Some Questions
Ralph Fedor
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
Paul Ferguson
- Tower
Rod Fitz-Randolph
- Brass Fittings and Sockets
Rod Fitz-Randolph
- quad antenna modeling
Rod Fitz-Randolph
- Hardline and Rotors
Floyd Soo, KF8AT
- Towers and Municipalities!(long)
Floyd Soo, KF8AT
- Tower Collapse...
Tom Francis
- need information on horizontal loop antenna
David M. French
- Rotor parts...
Don Gaikins
- Mosley Pro-96 Antenna
Marcel Gervais
- Falling tower question
Roger Grady
- Ham 4 Controller Lamp
Roger Grady
- Where to Buy
Alan Gray
- Motorized Crankup Law
Rod Greene
- US Tower MA440 Plan?
Stan Griffiths
- Log Periodics
Stan Griffiths
- more on masts
Stan Griffiths
- US Tower MA40 Plan Part II
Stan Griffiths
- Rohn 55 installation
Stan Griffiths
- Non-Rohn Tower
Stacy Hamby
- EMT used as mast...NO!
- 402-CD stacked over a 204-CD?
Dave Hawes
- Flagpole as antenna support
Dave Hawes
- Antenna tuning
Bill Hider
- 204CA tuning problems
Bill Hider
- a743 add on
Bill Hider
- M2 3el 40m Beam
James R. Hill
- M2 40m beam
James R. Hill
- Tower Grounding
James R. Hill
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Bill Hinkle
- Da Birds
Bill Hinkle
- Guy supports
Bill Hinkle
- mast
Bill Hinkle
- Tri-Ex LM-354
Bill Hinkle
- Thanks on Tri-Ex info
Jim Hollenback
- declination??
Jim Hollenback
- Open in coax
Fred Hopengarten
- US Tower MA40 Plan Part II
Fred Hopengarten
- K1XX Nonsynchronous Balun
Fred Hopengarten
- Building Code
Fred Hopengarten
- Motorized Crankup Law
Fred Hopengarten
- prop pitch
Paul Howard
Paul Howard
- Rohn 25 Fold Over Calculation
Natan Huffman
- unscribe
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Martin G. Mendelson III
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Ian White, G3SEK
- Open in coax
Ian White, G3SEK
- EMT!!!!
Vernon Erle Ikeda
- a743 add on
- Some Questions re 55G rotating tower
- monoband stack
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
- Rotator Grease
- Rotor parts...
- Mosley Pro-96 Antenna
- Rotating Tower Sections
- Rohn HDBX question
- Rohn 65G question
- Vertical Mast
- Vertical Mast Alignment
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
- 1500 foot tower mishap
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
- Towers and building permits
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
- Tape
- M2 3el 40m Beam
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
- Grounding CATV Hardline
- Grounding CATV Hardline
- Re[2]: tower customer service
- Stuff For Sale
Greg Richard KC4ZV
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Dan Norman KJ1N
- Davis RF: Thumbs up
Bill Fisher KM9P
- K4PQL Hurricane Damage Pix
Bill Fisher KM9P
- What happened to The DX Reflector?
Bill Fisher KM9P
- Magnetic Deviation (was: declination??)
Hank Kahrs
- tower permits
Richard Karlquist
- tower permits
Richard Karlquist
- legal motorized towers
Richard Karlquist
- Mast Supplier in San Jose, CA area?
John Kay
- dx calls
- Open in Coax
Richard L. King
- Grounding CATV Hardline
J.P. Kleinhaus
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Kris Mraz, N5KM
- wiretalk
Barry Kutner
- Determine geographic North
Reinaldo Leandro
- Log Periodics
David & Barbara Leeson
- Prop Pitch
David & Barbara Leeson
- Airmotor Tower
Leikhim, Joe
- Airmotor 75" tower questions
Leikhim, Joe
- RCS-8V
Larry Lindblom
- Rotator Grease
John Lockhart
- Trusty Ham IV
John Lockhart
- Ham 4 Controller Lamp
John Lockhart
- Ham 3 Meter Faceplate
John Lockhart
- Determine geographic North
John Lockhart
- Antenna tuning
Mike Meehan
- a743 add on
Mike Meehan
- Rotating Tower Sections
Robin E. Midgett
- Rotating Tower Sections
Robin E. Midgett
- Grounding CATV Hardline
Mike Bragassa , NS7Z <ns7z@contesting.com>
- Log Periodics
Ed Tanton N4XY
- GAP DX Voyager counterpoise info needed
Ed Tanton N4XY
- Mast Supplier in San Jose, CA area?
Robert E. Naumann
- Falling tower question
Scott Neader
- Wooden Poles; Birth of a New Contest Stn.
Gary Nieborsky
- Ground Rod Placement
Gary Nieborsky
- Mast Supplier in San Jose, CA area?
John T. Nogatch
- 1500 foot tower mishap
Glenn D. O'Donnell
- Question: What size U-Bolts for 45G?
Charlie Ocker
- TH6 high 15m vswr
Charlie Ocker
- Log Periodics
Stuart Oserman
- Grounding parasitic elements on KT34XA
Lynn D. Osterbur
- Summary: grounding parasitic elements on KT34XA
Lynn D. Osterbur
- Tribander phasing line lenght
Lynn D. Osterbur
- Summary: Phasing 2 tribanders - coax length
Lynn D. Osterbur
- Log Periodics
Laura Ostrem
- Cushcraft R4 (experience)
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- 80 meters vertical project
Carlos Augusto S. Pereira
- Rohn HBDX question
Mike Pickard
- tower customer service
Ed Privette
- Vertical Mast
Jay Pryor
- EMT!!!!
Paul Ramey
- EMT!!!!
Paul Ramey
- Mast Supplier in San Jose, CA area?
- Rotor parts...
- Da Birds and the Bees, Wasps etc.
- Antenna tuning
- Brass Fittings and Sockets
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Jack Ray
- Field Day Filters
David Robbins
- WARNING! propagation prediction bug!
David Robbins
- [Fwd: fwd: Trojan Horse Virus]
David Robbins
- technical reference section
David Robbins
- Determine geographic North
Graham Roberts
- Da wasps not Da birds
Bobby Rogers
- Getting Cables In and Out
Eric Rosenberg
- 40m small quad - help needed
Gus Samuelson
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Del Seay
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Del Seay
- Band Reject Coaxial Stubs
Del Seay
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Del Seay
- Open in coax
Del Seay
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
Del Seay
- Tape
Del Seay
- Years of use on coax
Jan & Del Seay
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
Jan & Del Seay
- Due North
Jan & Del Seay
- Open in coax
Dennis Shapiro
- Da Birds
Pete Smith
- value of low wires
Pete Smith
- C-4C Installation
Pete Smith
- Tape
Pete Smith
- Da Birds
Joe Spinosa
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Joe Spinosa
- US Tower MA40 Plan Part II
Joe Spinosa
- MA40 Saga Cont.
Joe Spinosa
- MA40 Still Trying!
Joe Spinosa
- magnetic variation
Joe Spinosa
- Thanks to K7LXC
Jim Stevens
- RCS-8V
- Ham 3 Meter Faceplate
- Non-Rohn Tower
- 40-2CD proximity to 20-4CD
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Jay Terleski
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Jay Terleski
- Dismantling
A N Thompson
- Rotator Grease
David L. Thompson
- EMT used as mast...NO!
David L. Thompson
- EMT tubing redux
David L. Thompson
- Rotating Tower Sections
David L. Thompson
- legal motorized towers
David L. Thompson
- Hazer use
Jamie Tolbert
- a743 add on
Jamie Tolbert
- declination??
Jamie Tolbert
- Grounding CATV Hardline
Michael Tope
- Summary: Grounding CATV Hardline (Long)
Michael Tope
- Rohn HDBX question
AA7BG Matt Trott
- Da Birds
AA7BG Matt Trott
- Sum:Da Birds
AA7BG Matt Trott
- Open in coax
Bill Turner
- 1550 ft. Tower Fails
Bill Turner
- Stealth Towers/Antennas
Bill Turner
- Open in coax
Michael Valentine
- will two KT34A's make an XA?
Dennis Schaefer W5RZ
- Are all black Zip cable ties UV resistant?
Jay O'Brien - W6GO
- FAA Tower
- Non-Rohn Tower
Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY
- EMT Electrical Conduit!!!!!!!!
Keith Morehouse - WB9TIY
- Phillystran sources??
- Phillystran sources short summery
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Thomas Wagner
- Best Climbing Safety Harness
Thomas Wagner
- 40-2CD proximity to 20-4CD
Tony Wanschura
- Re[2]: tower customer service
- more on masts
- declination??
- Rotor parts...
Andrew B. White
- Falling tower question
David L. Zeph
- Tape Flagging
David L. Zeph
- Source for FB Watertight Enclosures
Steve Zettel
- Climbable mast
Steve Zettel
- swaged fittings for guywires
Steve Zettel
- [Fwd: fwd: Trojan Horse Virus]
- mast
- Rohn HBDX question
- Preformed Guy Grips -question
- need information on horizontal loop antenna
- mast
michael w. elliot
- E mail address for K7LXC
- Rotator Grease
- mast
- Open in Coax
- Scotch 33 vs Scotch 88
- Falling tower question
Steve Sawyers n0yvy
- Grounding CATV Hardline
Steve Sawyers n0yvy
- Open in coax
- Guy supports
- Non-Rohn Tower
- No subject
- Mosley Pro-96 Antenna
- Log Periodics
- Rohn HDBX question
- alpha amplifiers
- [BitBucket] alpha amplifiers
- Da Birds
- Open in coax
- neat url
- declination??
- Determine geographic North
- No subject
- ? E-mail Adress W9UCW Barry ?
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 23:39:33 1996
Archived on: Wed Mar 6 11:57:11 2002
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).