MA40 Still Trying!
Joe Spinosa
Fri, 18 Oct 96 17:18:03 UT
We are going on the Concord Tower Hunt today!
I really appreciate all the great advice and positive replies I've been
So far, nobody has voted for me to "get a life", so I will continue the
thread. I am more determined than ever to construct this modest tower
project, and will keep everyone posted. You have all been great!
Surprisingly, I've only heard from 4 of my 14 neighbors so far regarding the
letter I mailed. More surprising is the general support they've all shown! I
expected apathy at best, as in "I don't care what you do, just don't send me
any more stupid letters. I get enough junk mail already." However, the 4
neighbors who have contacted me so far actually seem to be interested in what
I am doing: "What is Ham radio? What can you do? Can you talk real far?" I
think this is great. Maybe the 10 I haven't heard from yet will present quite
a different scenario, however.
One thing I want to make clear about the tower hunt: I will in no way use
these guys as an example to the city. Perhaps calling this thing a "Tower
Hunt" was a poor choice of words. I'm not hunting these guys down to cause
trouble. Quite the opposite, I'm on their (and your) side!
Thanks for reminding me of this. If these fellows did put up their towers
without city approval (which I can FULLY appreciate, because I still may have
to do it that way) they may be reluctant to discuss it with me.
I've received about as many votes for ringing the doorbell on the spot as I
have for calling on the phone.
I'm a wimp. I'll use the phone.
Unless the thread is getting tired, I'll post my results as I work through
this. It may become a useful chronicle that could help someone else down the
Best Regards,
Joe Spinosa
Concord, CA
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