Determine geographic North
Robert Chudek
Fri, 25 Oct 1996 21:52:11 +0100
>> I've been waiting for the opportunity to share
>>this technique with the world. It looks like the time
>>has arrived! ---Big snip here--- 73 de Bob - K0RC
At 08:21 PM 10/24/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Too bad its all wrong- some time checking would have been
>better for us all. There may be some out there that believe
>you. ---Big snip here---
>Bill Aycock --- Persimmon Hill --- Woodville, Alabama, USA
>(in the N.E. corner of the State) -- also -- W4BSG -- Grid EM64vr
OK Bill, I sit corrected... [I can't stand and type at the same
time :-)] You are correct. I left out one critical part. I've
rounded up the final word and submit "Rev B" for the procedure.
The following information was plagiarized from:
(all you would ever need to know about sundials, etc...
>From their web page:
"Finding true north
In principle, north can be located by using a magnetic compass and
making an appropriate correction. Magnetic north is substantially
off from true north -- the exact amount varies by location. But there
are better ways. Polaris, the north star, can be used, but this is
inconvenient -- you have to wait for a clear night -- and not entirely
accurate either. The most accurate way to find a true north south
orientation is by using the sun itself to find the direction of a shadow
cast by a vertical object when the sun is at its zenith. This is easier
than it sounds, and can be done by measuring the length of the shadow
cast by the upright before and after noon.
Set up a vertical pole (or a use a rope with a weight) to cast a shadow
on the ground. If you use a rope you will need to make the reference point
somewhere near the top to cast a visible shadow -- like a stick knotted into
the rope) The base of the shadow will be the first point for your south-
north axis and the reference point or top of the pole will trace the second
point. At some time in the morning, mark the spot on the ground where the
reference point casts its shadow. Measure the length from the base to the
end of the shadow, and using a string of that length, trace out a semi-circle
on the ground with the base of the shadow as its center point.
As the sun rises higher in the sky, the shadow will first shorten as noon
approaches, and then will lengthen. At some in the afternoon it will
reach the semi-circle you traced in the morning. Note the spot when it crosses
the arc the second time. The midway point between the morning and afternoon
points, will be directly north of the base point of vertical object."
73 de Bob - K0RC
Recalibrating all his rotors...
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