Rohn HDBX question
AA7BG Matt Trott
Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:30:42 -0600
> For a large-ish mast and stacked antennas on your HDBX, one of the crux
>bits is the bent tin plate that is supplied as the top plate of the tower; it
>probably isn't up to the task of holding your proposed system against big
>side forces. If you beefed it up, that would help. Are you going to install
>a thrust bearing?
Just came down from an HDBX 48 footer today where I was changing out the
rotor for a friend. Spent 2 and 1/2 hours up there. First thing I noticed
was that it's a very sturdy self supporter when put up according to specs.
Second thing I noticed is that the "bent tin plate" on top was torn in one
corner. DEFINITELY beef that puppy up! Better yet replace it with something
else. The tower I was on had a TET 4 ele tribander on it (20 foot boom?)
just above the top and an isopole 6 feet above that on 2 in mast. I would be
very hesitant to stack yagis on it, but then again, with a beefed up top
plate and the config Steve mentioned it might be worth a try. I wouldn't go
more than 5 or 6 feet spacing.
You MUST have a good pair of boots when working on this stuff and a good
pair of leather gloves. It was a pain in the rear swapping rotors. Used
strictly grunt power, cuz no gin-pole, etc.
73, Matt
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