MA40 Saga Cont.

Joe Spinosa
Thu, 17 Oct 96 16:34:50 UT

Reason #17 why I like the Tower-Talk Reflector:
Because you guys (and gals) think of things that I don't!

I didn't think about homeowner's liability insurance.  There is no way I'm 
going to put something up, no matter how over-engineered I do it, that could 
cause damage that won't be covered.  Thanks to all who pointed this out.  
While I don't think I will need a special "rider" on my policy, you are all 
correct in stating that an adjuster would have grounds for dismissing any 
claim if the structure that caused the damage has not been approved by the 
local authorities.  Excellent point.

So where am I now?  Reconciled to deal with the city and obtain the necessary 
permits.  The letter I sent out to the neighbors was still OK since they will 
all be notified by the city anyway.  It may work to my advantage as a warm up.

I went to one of the many FCC call-book look-up pages and did a search for 
Concord CA.  That produced a list of 381 hams in Concord!  I think that's 
fabulous, even if half of them are not active.

Since the list was so huge, I just went through and checked off the 25 or so 
Extra class calls.  I figure if these guys went to all that trouble, chances 
are they probably have something up in the air!  I got out an old map, and 
highlighted the 25 streets these folks are on.  Now my XYL and I will hop in 
the vehicle and go on a Concord Tower Hunt.  Wish me luck!

My hope is that some of these addresses will turn up some towers.  The next 
step will be to contact these fellows, introduce myself, and ask how they 
managed to put up such a wonderful structure.  Which brings me to my question 
this time around:  Assuming that my Tower Hunt is successful, how should I 
conduct a contact.  I know hams are friendly, especially to fellow hams, but 
my upbringing tells me that knocking on people's doors is rather rude.  How 
about sending these guys a little note via the good old U.S. mail explaining 
that I'd like to talk with them.

I know I wouldn't mind a fellow ham dropping by and ringing my doorbell.  I've 
read of this happening before with good results, but I don't think I'm that 
forward.  Is this a good idea?

Vote:	1) Knock on the door as soon as you see the tower!
	2) Go home and look in the phone book and call the ham.
	3) Be a wimp and send mail.
	4) Get a life.
	5) If you ring my doorbell, I'll set my pack of pit-bulls after you.

My anticipation is that one of these Extras will say "Joe, dealing with the 
city is a pain, but call XXX, he's the guy who helped me".

Best Regards
Joe Spinosa
Concord, CA

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