Wooden Poles; Birth of a New Contest Stn.
Pat Barthelow
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 13:09:22 -0700 (PDT)
Anybody have comprehensive info about structural
capabilities of wooden power poles? We have inherited an Army
Mars station here in Marina, (the old Ft. Ord MARS station)
which has about 5 acres of hilltop antenna farm (residue) which
includes a number of 70 foot tall poles in (apparently) good
condition standing in sandy soil. The poles are 70 foot tall,
according to the circular I.D. plate on them, and made by
McFarland. The circumference is 48 inches at the base, and
about 25 inches at the top. Also, is there a standard height
above the pole base that the brands or tags are affixed? If so,
I can determe the depth of burial of the pole. Any rules wrt to
how deep to bury such a pole, for a non guyed antenna
installation? Anyone have experience in mounting platforms or
fixtures to the poles to support rotators, beams etc?
I climbed a free standing one this weekend, and am sure
the pole was sound, and well set, but because it had no guys,
wires, etc, I noticed that my climbing motions set it into
considerable motion; I could see it whip around quite a bit as I
stood, and rocked on the steps 1/3 way up. (The motion
perception might have been distorted by my presence at the 25 foot level of
the pole!) It was definitely a new sensation for me. We mounted a dipole
between it and another pole, and again I was startled by the
motion imparted on it, when Kenny, KK6CS gave a healthy tug
on the pully, putting tension on the dipole, while I was strapped
off on top of the pole!
BTW, if any of you are interested in helping develop this
future contest station, come on down to Monterey, any
weekend, we have a 1200 sq foot operations shack, with
3 soundproof operating rooms, CT on 3 networked PCs,
one per room, transmission line switching, lounge, with
refrig, microwave, TV, couches, camping space, etc.
We currently have up a Hy Gain LP 1017 (6.2 to 30mHz), a 80
thru 10 discone, and other antennas are going up weekly,
on the dozen or so, unused poles at the 5 acre site. Get in
73, de Pat, AA6EG; aa6eg@tmx.com
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