M2 3el 40m Beam

K8DO@aol.com K8DO@aol.com
Wed, 2 Oct 1996 08:51:00 -0400

I have the M2 40 and I'm not seeing any significant wind effect on the
swr.... I don't notice the linear loading rods moving much, even in heavy
winds ...but, I have mine "cinched up" tight enough to actually be lifting
the center of each half-element several inches... when you look at an element
it forms a swans neck on each side (rather attractive)... also, all of the
set screws were set TIGHT, and I used locktite on them... I suspect you have
joints working with the motion, and that is causing impedence changes...

The other item I wonder, is if you have other beams/etc. close by, so that
waving elements are changing spacing enough to affect the coupling and the


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