205BAS Compensating element
Thu, 12 Sep 1996 09:48:53 -0400
In a message dated 96-09-12 00:07:17 EDT, you write:
>Do the new 222F EIA wind ratings or whatever it is have any effect on
>compensating dummy element placement, size, etc. on the Hy-Gain 205BAS
>antennas? Who among you who use this antenna use a compensating element?
Hi, Matt --
The EIA/TIA-222-F is only for tower structures; antennas don't have a
similar standard. Do you have a copy of Dave Lesson's, W6QHS, book on
Physical Design of Yagi Antennas? It is the only published info I know of on
wind balancing/compensating elements. Dave kind of 'invented' this
73, Steve K7LXC
TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs