John Papay
Mon, 30 Sep 1996 08:11:43 -0400

At 12:25 PM 9/29/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi All!  I have a problem and am desperately seeking help.  I am posting 
>this to different groups in hopes of finding a solution.
>I have a "Wilson Electronics Corporation" MT-61 Tubular Crank-up Tower.  
>The cable used for cranking up the tower SNAPPED!  I telephoned U.S. 
>Tower, who through a buyout, ouns the rights for information on 
>re-stringing the cable.  Their reply was, "you didn't buy it from 
>us......sorry, we can't help you."  I couldn't hardly believe it!!
>Does anyone have a diagram with instructions on how to re-cable a Wilson 
>MT-61 crank-up tubular tower?  I will pay for ANY copying and shipping 
>costs!!!  PLEASE.....Any help is greatly appreciated!!
>Stuck At 25 Feet!
>Randall L. Phelps  KD8JN
>1226 Delverne Ave SW
>Canton, Ohio  44710-1306
>Forwarded via the Internet DX Mailing List.
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        I sympathize with your problem and I think US Tower needs to be taken
        to task for their customer service policies.  One of our club members,
        WA8MEM, has a 55 foot crankup with a motor that he bought brand new
so they
        can't say they didn't sell him the tower.  Dwaine moved to a different
        qth and I had to help him dismantle the antennas etc.  During the 
        removal process, Dwaine used the motor to crank the tower down.  He
        forgot that he had a sidemount installed near the top and when the tower
        collapsed to the point that the sidemount kept it from going down any
        more, the cable snapped.  We had a big problem getting the tower down
        the rest of the way due to the danger in climbing an un-nested tower,
        but we used steel bars through the rungs to keep it from slipping while
        I climbed.  Apparently there is no safety mechanism in the motorized
        version to prevent a cable from snapping.  The gear drive has enough
        power to snap a cable so caution is advised.  

        The tower was transported to the new qth and Dwaine called to order
        a new cable for the tower.  What he received was not the correct cable.
        It was about 12 feet short.  And they refused to send him a restringing
        diagram.  Dwaine then purchased some stainless steel aircraft cable from
        a local source and after a few hours of playing with the cable routing,
        W8JGU and I guessed right and we had a working system.  All of this 
        not due to any help from US Tower.  

        The people they have providing the customer service don't seem to be
        knowledgable and don't ask the right questions to determine exactly what
        you have and what you need.  I suspect that Dwaine received a cable for
        the non-motorized version of the 55 foot crankup. Most manufacturers
        are happy to provide information about their products even if you didn't
        buy from them.  But not US Tower.  They remind me of what happened to
        Telrex.  Call with a problem and they tell you that you did something

                                                 John Papay K8YSE

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