[TowerTalk] mast weight

K4OJ@aol.com K4OJ@aol.com
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 01:21:01 -0400 (EDT)

if the winch is at the top of the tower, and the cable passes through the
middle of the mast (the catch) it will NOT be able to go any higher than
flush with the top - IF - (thanks to several who responded) you place the
cable on the outside of the mast and lift from the bottom (with the mast
somehow tied to the lifting wire at its top - a temporary rope, etc) the
lifting will be such that when you get to the top you can undo the temporary
tie and proceed to go all the way - conceivably to a point where the mast is
almost OUT of the tower...

I get it now....my vision was of the cable being run inside the mast, which
would preclude "past the winch" lifting.

SO, I am visualizing this as I type, the trick is to prep your top plate to
have a place to bolt on a winch capable of holding as much wire rope as your
tower is tall....and there should be a hole a little off center for that
wirerope to pass through.........I think I can see this
now......................................the only catch then would be that
the end of the cable will have to use wire rope/Crosby type clips to hold the
hook that attaches to the mast since once it is up and you wanna take the
wire rope out it has to be able to pass through the hole in your top
plate...ok, I see it now.

Question - what type of winches are best, I assume the type used to pull a
boat onto a trailer are what is being talked about...................can you
rent electric winches ..............I suspect this will be a classic "turn
the crank Frank"

Did I get the idea right....I wanna do this later this Summer and am

Tnx, 73


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