[TowerTalk] Size help (sq feet)

Dick Flanagan dick@merlin.libelle.com
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 07:05:46 -0700

At 11:56 PM -0700 7/31/97, Arthur Moe wrote:
>I have been digging aroundon the web and can't seem to find some
>information that I need to help planing some new antenns for my tower.
>So I'll ask here and see if some of you would help out. What I  need
>to find out the area (sq feet) that some of the more popular beams are.
>Antenns like the KT34XA, TH7, TH11, C4, or any other that you think
>I might consider in the moderate size range

I, too, have looked for sq ft measurements for some of these antennas with
no success.  I would like to find the sq ft measurements of both a TH7 and
TH11 if anyone has them handy.  Thanks!

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada
Visit http://www.delphi.com/electronic/

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