[TowerTalk] Size help (sq feet)

force12@interserv.com force12@interserv.com
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 17:36:35 -0700 (PDT)

Good afternoon.

The information about the FORCE 12 C-4 is the following:

Boom length = 18'         	Windload = 6.4 sqft
Turning Radius = 19.8'    	Weight = 39#
Longest Element = 37' (40 mtr linear loaded dipole, mounted close to center)
Mast Torque @ 70 mph = <320 inch pounds
Two feedlines: one for 40, one for 20 through 10

The above is available on our web site for all antennas listed in the '97 
brochure (about 80). We make >120 models and have all information including 
structural models for elements, booms and the entire antenna.

Please inquire!

Have a good day and 73,
			Tom, N6BT
			Force 12 Antennas and Systems
			(Home Page   http://www.QTH.com/force12 )

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