[TowerTalk] Other wet stuff

K4OJ@aol.com K4OJ@aol.com
Mon, 4 Aug 1997 08:03:05 -0400 (EDT)

....when we use the putty, experience has taught us that it better not be in
immediate contact with the PL259 (or whatever fitting) - initially wrap the
joint with Scotch's tape (does anyone know anything about their Tartan
series?)  - then-  use the putty to get rid of the steep shoulders of the
connector, creating a tapered or cone shaped transition.....and, then the
final wrap of tape with ScothKote atop it will generate a connection which
can be opened up and reused.....had the putty been up agains the connector
shell - forget it........................as always, tape so that if the coax
is vertical it will shed water off og its seams, not into them!

...................yes, novicesolderer, when you can snatch the PL259 from my
hand it will be time for you to go.


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