[TowerTalk] Radio Shack remote-reading wattmeter

Bob Scott bscott@thor.pla-net.net
Mon, 4 Aug 1997 20:50:14 -0500

> How would you make sure that it couldn't be keyed by someone else
> you are working on the antennas? I'd hate to be making an
adjustment &
> have the rig key up, especially with an amplifier turned on.
> 73' Steve KG8TX

Use CTCSS encode and decode, and choose an odd-ball PL.
Remove the antenna from the 2 meter rig in the shack (Or attenuate
it so you can still key it up). Not 100% fool-proof, but pretty


Name: Bob Scott
E-mail address: bscott@pla-net.net or kf9yh@qsl.net
Web site: http://www.pla-net.net/~bscott/index.html
Amateur radio Web site: http://www.qsl.net/kf9yh
Amateur radio call: KF9YH
Member: Society of Midwest Contesters
Member: National Registry of E.M.T.'s (Paramedic)
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