[TowerTalk] Summary: thoughts on the Yaesu G-1000SDX

David Robbins k1ttt@berkshire.net
Tue, 05 Aug 1997 22:58:06 +0000

K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-08-04 20:09:43 EDT, dave@egh.com (David Clemons)
> writes:
> >  2. "Using two nuts on each bolt will prevent the nuts from
> >             backing off the bolt."  Yes - a great idea, except that
> I
> >             didn't want to carry my collection of spare hardware up
> >             the tower to make a match.  (Oops, now that I think
> about
> >             it, I could have used the parts list to figure out what
> I
> >             needed...)
> >
>      Do you have a collection of spare METRIC hardware? Me neither.
of course, doesn't everyone?
with 3 yeasu rotors here i picked up a bunch of spare
metric stuff just in case i dropped something.

David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt@berkshire.net   or   robbins@berkshire.net

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