[TowerTalk] Where is all the energy gone?

Marijan Miletic S56A@S55TCP.ampr.org
Tue, 05 Aug 97 15:36:25 EDT

Hi Ron,

I am writing an article about trap losses for our local club magazine and
in the process I have to explain that the antenna gain is the product of
directivity and efficiency.  You 3 antennas have different radiation
patterns and therefore you expierence signal strength variations.  But the
pipe is doing as much as she can considering all the sand in your area
which affects DX-77 to the same degree.  I am sure even Force :-) beam
will be much better once it is on decent height!
However, I am really surprised with 3S (18dB or almost 50 times)
difference between your two verticals.
Pipe did superb job on VK0IR as it radiated about 75W at a low angle!

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
P.S.  I had a pleasure to visit Force factory during WRTC-96 and I am
convinced Tom, N6BT makes superb products.

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