[TowerTalk] 80 meter inv vee array

Ernesto Grueneberg lu6beg@canopus.com.ar
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 13:33:22 -0300

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force12@interserv.com wrote:
> Good morning.
> Need a little more information.
> 1) How much distance is there horizontally for the ends of each element?
> This will determine the angle of the V.


> 2) What other antennas are nearby?
One tower has a 3 el 40m and a single element on 80.
The other will have a 20m stack, probably 4/4/4/4.

> 3) are the guy cables on the tow insulated?

> I designed and built a 4 elment for PJ1B and it performs better than their
> previous 3 element. It is direct 50 ohm feed and is made of Alum-O-Weld
> wire.
> Have a good day and 73,
>                         Tom, N6BT
>                         Force 12 Antennas and Systems
>                         (Home Page   http://www.QTH.com/force12 )
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