[TowerTalk] Solid wire for guys?

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 20:02:12 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-08-14 13:15:56 EDT, wb4mnf@atl.org writes:

>  I've been reading on the list all the
>  stuff about guys and was wondering about using some 40%
>  copper clad solid steel for the upper set so they may also be part
>  of an 80m antenna. 

    Using guy wires for slopers is a traditionally used good idea. I think
the lengths are a little different due to the size of the wire but I don't
know how much or which way. TowerTalkians?

     DO NOT use anything but factory specified EHS (Extra High Strength)
steel guy cable. It's like using water pipe for a mast - it's not rated for
strength and WILL break at a very inconvenient time with typically
disasterous results.

    The LXC Tower Construction Prime Directive is "DO what the manufacturer

73,  Steve  K7LXC

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