[TowerTalk] Co-ordinates

Stu Greene wa2moe@doitnow.com
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 15:21:11 -0700

At 04:26 PM 8/18/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Somewhere, I haven't found it yet, I had something that told me 
>how many feet were in a second based on the degree of latitude
>(I think that's right).  Anyway, if I find it, I will put it out on the 
>reflector....it's good info for siting your tower to know exactly where
>it is (just going out the back door and looking up is not sufficient
>these days.). 
>Also, somewhere on the WWW there's a place where you can
>put a pin down on a map and it will tell you the exact coords....
>You can get down to the street level, so I figure you could 
>conceivably, in most instances, guesstimate closely on the 
>location of your house. 
each degree of latitude equals sixty nautical miles, and therefore each
minute of latitude equals one nautical mile...about 1.15 statute miles...if
you want the exact conversion factor let me know.  Each minute of latitude
contains sixty seconds and each second equals 1/60th of a nautical mile.
This is true anywhere on the surface of the Earth.

Your second question:  where can you put a pin anywhere on Earth and find
the latitude and longitude of that spot?  Easy:  Microsoft Encarta 1997
World Atlas CD will do it, but I'd wait for the 1998 version out in the
Autumn.  It's worth the $49.95


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