[TowerTalk] T2X info tnx

Tom Osborne w7why@mail.coos.or.us
Sun, 24 Aug 1997 16:03:25 +0900

stratto wrote:
> Further IMPORTANT note: I climbed my tower for winter inspection(as I 
>alway do late summer/early fall), and noticed that 2 of screws holding 
>the rotator bell together had lost their associated lock washer and nut! 
> And two of the screw/nut assemblies where lose.

Hi gang.  This can sometimes be a problem if good lock washers are not 
used.  I used to work in a shop and we would find that sometimes the lock 
washers would rust apart and fall out and then the nuts would be lose.  
Not a good situation!  Always be sure to use a good grade of lockwasher.

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