[TowerTalk] force 12 (fwd)

J.P. Kleinhaus w2xx@cloud9.net
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 11:57:36 -0400

> I called up there last week, and told them that I was going to be in their
> area next week on other business, and I wanted to stop by and take a
> closer look at their antennas, etc. 
> They sounded a little hesitate about me coming by, but then said I should 
> call when I arrive in town, and they would see if it was possible for me 
> to stop by.

Hmmm, not for nothing, but at this time of the year those guys are
trying really hard to finish up orders for the guys putting up antennas
before the winter hits.  If I was one of those waiting for antennas, I
be much happier if Tom and the boys were actually working on them than
taking the time to indulge your sightseeing.

My dealings with Force-12 have been nothing short of exemplary and I 
will be spending "several thousands on their antennas" next year.  I
have counseled many people to buy their hardware and no one has yet been
disappointed. No one has mentioned that they had a desire to tour the
factory before making a purchase.

Again, I'm sure they are really busy getting product out the door and
that is (rightfully so) probably the reason for their reluctance to
entertain you.

73, J.P. W2XX
J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
E-mail:  w2xx@cloud9.net

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