[TowerTalk] force 12

force12@interserv.com force12@interserv.com
Mon, 25 Aug 1997 14:09:57 -0700 (PDT)

Good afternoon, Kelly.

Thanks for the inquiry via the Reflector. As far as I can tell, we are still 
moving along in a positive manner, shipping every day, both domestic and 

Our e-mail is certainly not "toast"; however, when our local provider moved 
to the 56.6k system, we did lose a fair amount of both incoming and outgoing 
e-mail. The only thing that is toast is my personal schedule. Have finally 
completed a new antenna that many have been asking for: it just took 
spending 18 hours here over the weekend. Fortunately, the family said it was 
all right!

If you can't get ahold of me, please send to Natan, W6XR/2 at Force 12 East 
in Ithaca, NY. 
		His e-mail is force12e@lightlink,com

Natan is an experienced contester and knows our product line. Before 
moving back east, he worked here building antennas so he would know how we 
do it. He also has a very effective contest station in NY.

Have a good day and 73,
			Tom, N6BT
			Force 12 Antennas and Systems
			(Home Page   http://www.QTH.com/force12 )

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