Towerbase -- how close to a house?
Lee Hallin
Mon, 10 Feb 97 02:09:09 PST
I am in the process of making a "plot plan" (something the city requires) in
preparation, I hope, to getting a building permit for a tower (50'
self-supporting crankup). One of the things I have to figure out (and
indicate) is where the tower base will be relative to everything else on the
lot. I am putting the tower centered along the back of my house. The base
is supposed to be 7'D x 3.5' x 3.5'. I want the base to be as close to the
house as possible.
I want to make SURE that I don't dig close enough to the house so as to
"under mine" (dirt fall into the hole from the foundation side of the
hole) the foundation. The area where I will be digging is currently under
a concrete patio which extends (and has for 8 years) from the foundation
out (toward the backyard) about 8 feet.
My idea is to leave a 3 foot gap between the foundation and the tower base.
Does this seem far enough away from the foundation? I plan to start digging
in June; give or take.
Comments? TIA
73, Lee WB7SND (ex XR0Z)
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