NEC & Tower Permits

Stan Griffiths
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 14:50:32 -0800 (PST)

>At 10:13 AM 2/10/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>I know it's a good idea, but did anyone ever have a tower permit denied
>>because it was within falling distance of electrical lines >250V?
>>The local building inspector cites NEC 810-13, something that the tower
>>cannot be within falling distance + 2' of power lines.
>>County zoning thinks it's okay if 2/3rds of your tower falls on the
>>neighbor's property, but the township doesn't want it near any power
>>Again, yes, it's a good idea, but is it really "code"?  (I don't have
>>the NEC handy to determine if what his says is valid or correct.)
>Don't know what the spec is for >250 volts but for <250 volts it is
>the 2 ft mentioned in NEC  810-13.  Would have to assume that it
>is even greater for the higher voltages--so maybe you are getting
>off easy if your lines are >250 volts.
>"Where proximity to open electric light or power service conductors
>of less than 250 volts between conductors cannot be avoided,
>the installation shall be such as to provide a clearance of at least 
>2 feet (610mm)."
>gl es 73  John  W0UN

Wouldn't you think that NEC 810-13 is refering to two feet of clearance
between the electrical service and a STANDING tower rather than two feet of
clearance as it falls down?


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