[TowerTalk] 8 wire rotor connectors??
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 15:01:31 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-07-14 13:28:42 EDT, k3mm@erols.com (Tyler Stewart)
> My feedback from Norm at Norm's Rotor Service is that the original
> connectorized Hygain rotators had lots of connector problems. My
> understanding is that the supposedly weatherproof connector they were
> using wasnt so waterproof, which led to lots of failures.
That's true. The connector pins were a huge hassle to install (imagine
trying to do it on the tower - ugh) and although the pin interface was
weather resistant, water could easily enter from the cable end of the
connectors (douche!). I understand that Hy-Gain has changed to a better
connector but I haven't seen one yet.
73, Steve K7LXC
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