[TowerTalk] Re: WON!
Roger L. Elowitz
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 14:31:47 -0400
Hi Steve and all you well wishers,
Here's the ARRL web site you can visit to get your own copy of the
FCC's PRB-1 memorandum and ruling.
I don't know for a fact if my town's attorney ever saw the PRB-1. The
fact that I mentioned I was given the PRB-1 by MY ATTORNEYS to give to
her (the zoning officer) may have been enough to convince her that I
would seek a legal recourse if necessary and that it wasn't worth the
aggravation and expense of pursuing it in the courts. In all my
conversations with this zoning officer I was exceedingly pleasant,
frequently stressing I was willing to do everything I could to comply
with the law.
Besides, I'm sure the town really didn't want the bad press I know I
could easily muster. They know it too since their administration
building lobby contains my giant photo display of the towns history and
the fact that I do most of the politician's publicity portraits.
Then again, I'm sure I would have won on the basis of just the "height
over surrounding structures within a 500-ft radius" which would
preclude the PRB-1 issue to begin with. My home sits on the side of a
hill and several homes within that 500-ft radius are easily twenty feet
higher. It's funny how quickly the ordinance was misread and the part
about the surrounding structures was ignored. One sees what one wants
to see...I'm afraid.
Anyway, it does feel good to be on the winning side for a change.
And, since I'm not a vindictive person.... I'm still willing to do all
I can to help my complaining neighbor with her really minimal TVI
complaint. I mentioned warming up my linear only in jest and I hope
everyone realizes that. I only use the linear when absolutely
necessary... which is rare indeed... and NEVER for rag chewing.
I only wish I could get my neighbor to NOT encourage her foul mouthed
children to use a hard baseball for batting practice against my house
and to restrict the use of her a monster trampoline to non-screaming
kids. Life is full of interesting compromises....isn't it?
Roger, K2JAS
At 03:28 PM 7/31/97 +0000, you wrote:
>Congrats on your victory Roger....Ive read many of your posts on
>reflectors...Im writing to ask you where to download PRB-1, you said
>FCC, I suppose I can fish around till I find it, but thought you might
>the address handy...Ive been having problems with the naybors since I
>up my tower/ants...Anyways if you have the info that would be great, No
>sweat tho
>GL / 73 Maybe see you on the air!
>Steve N6TT
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