[TowerTalk] Rohn HDBX towers in CQ Contest

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 15:45:45 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-06-18 15:21:53 EDT, you write:

> And, where did that photo of a BX tower come from?  I went out and looked
>  at my HDBX-48 (with two added top straight sections the size of the top of
>  BX section 3) and the X-braces almost touch each other at the rivits on
>  the legs, and thus are not at all so far separated as the photo in CQ
>  Contest.  Is Rohn making a lesser BX now, or for that photo? 

      Where did it come from? I don't know the origin; I just took the
picture at a customer's house. From the comments recently about being able
and not being able to get a T2X into a BX3 section, apparently there are
different iterations of the BX design. 

     BTW, the top section of your HDBX-48 is a BX3; the sections in the photo
are BX2 or BX1. Let's say that the tower in the photo is "BX-like". The
purpose of the photo was to illustrate the gap (whatever it is) between the
X-braces. Maybe the spacing is exaggerated but my point is still the same.

73,  Steve  K7LXC

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