[TowerTalk] Be careful.

Cliff Frescura K3LL cliff@viper.nauticom.net
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 10:56:03 -0400 (EDT)

I think there should be background checks before anyone is allowed
to purchase a Hazer.  Then they also must have a permit to own a 


On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Steve Weisbrod wrote:

> Hello Towertalkins.
> This weekend I brought my Hazer down and added a 80m sloper. It worked   
> really well and I plan to add a bottom hat and coil to put it on 160m.
> I was really kindof upset after I was finished because I could not find   
> my favorite Swiss Army knife. I looked everywhere. Thats when I thought   
> maybe I left it sit on the Hazer shelf. Well last night after work I   
> started to crank the thing down. Thats when I heard something fall! Sure   
> enough the knife came down blade open! It just missed me! Maybe Hard hats   
> are a good idea you never know whats up there?
> 73 Steve W8GAZ  
> --
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|cliff@nauticom.net                  "All bags are subject to search." |
| k3ll@nauticom.net                  "Adapt, Migrate, or Die."         |

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