[TowerTalk] Guy Grip Availability

stan@ccsnet.com stan@ccsnet.com
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 15:54:34 -0500

MA>K4>Yesterday at lunch time I went to buy 1/4" guy grips from the local utili
MA>K4>supplier I had been using and they no longer carry them.only 3/8"

MA>K4>Went to the other big gun supply hous in town and found they didn't stock
MA>K4>them either.

MA>K4>HELP - need some quickly and as I remember the ones from an advertiser in
MA>K4>are way overpriced....anyone help me with a source - wanna get them quick
MA>K4>like....hope to be setting some tower this weekend - this would put the
MA>K4>kibash (sp?) on the job.

MA>K4>Your prompt attention to this pressing matter is appreciated - will summa
MA>K4>for the group.

MA>K4>de Jim  K4OJ   k4oj@aol.com

The guy grips I bought were made by DULMISON INC out of Georgia.

Call them at 1-800-521-5230 and ask for the closest stocking distributor

I bought mine from the tower company.

But, they are available from GRANGER-RUSH in the eastern MA area...

I hope this helps.....    Stan, WA1ECF

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