[TowerTalk] Tower cement base

Barry Kutner w2up@voicenet.com
Sat, 8 Mar 1997 15:36:37 +0000

On  8 Mar 97, K4OJ@aol.com <K4OJ@aol.com> wrote:

> I doubt seriously that a tower base of size will ever lift up and outta the
> ground - your enlarging the bottom of the hole more than anything else
> increased the weight of it - just my opinion.
For a guyed tower, I agree. All forces on a guyed tower are directed 
downward at the base. A self supporting tower is another story...
73 Barry

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@voicenet.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry@w2up.wells.com

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