[TowerTalk] Rohn 45 overlap?

Stan Griffiths w7ni@teleport.com
Fri, 2 May 1997 03:49:37 -0700 (PDT)

>Since Stan mentioned it:
> > 45G is another story, entirely.
>What is the useful height of a Rohn 45/55G section?  I am trying to
>figure out how many sections I need to get 110' feet in height.
>73, J.P. W2XX
>J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
>E-mail:  w2xx@cloud9.net
>As we say in the software business:  "You are hosed."  

Well now, since neither 45 or 55 use the swaged tower leg method of joining
sections, you get a full ten feet of useful tower height out of each
section.  They are still built using standard 10 foot tubing sections for
the legs but a sleeve is fitted over the end of each leg bottom and welded
there.  The top of the legs of the section below slip inside the sleeve and
butt up agains the legs inside the sleeve where they are bolted in place
during installation.

Again, top sections for 45 vary in height and a good average is about 8.5 feet.

There are only top plates for 55 and no real top sections like for 25 or 45.

There is, however, a transistion section from 45 to 55 which will allow
using 45 tops on 55 but I believe the transition is 20 feet long and VERY heavy.

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

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