[TowerTalk] Orion rotors

Chris R. Burger crb@nanoteq.com
Fri, 9 May 1997 12:58:10 +200

I recently received this message from a new Orion user.  He's waiting 
for his rotors to be shipped, but in the interim he says:
>  You will need three number 12 and two number 22 but the two number 
>  22 pairs need to be shielded from the three number 12's.  You MUST 
>  shield those number 22's because there is pickup on the positioning 
>  leads from the AC on the motor leads and if no shielding is 
>  present, your indicater will not work right.
Anybody with experience of the OR2800?  If so:

1.  Is this correct?

2.  Can anyone recommend a cable or cables that will fit the bill?

Chris R. Burger

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