[TowerTalk] 40 meter coverage C4XL
Scott Neader
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 23:02:25 -0500
>In a message dated 97-10-01 15:06:07 EDT, you write:
>> to making the Crunchcraft 40 meter antenna perform it's best and
>> have 250 kHz bandwidth?????
>> Inquiring minds want to know. Especially b4 I install mine this
>> ...
> Okay, okay. I give up. I'll tell.
> Actually it's pretty simple. The manual has three settings - phone, mid
>and cw. Split the difference between mid and cw and you'll have THE BEST
>setting. On mid, the swr at 7.000 will be about 2.5:1 or more while the cw
>setting doesn't give you much bandwidth up the band. By splitting the two,
>the 2.0:1 points are 7.000 and 7.250. It works every time.
>73 and GL, Steve K7LXC
250 kHz bandwidth? I should be so lucky!! My Force 12 C4XL will be here
in a 2-3 weeks... but checking out the specs on their website... 2:1 SWR
bandwidth is 130 khz !!
I will mainly be contesting with this antenna, but both CW and SSB. Any
thoughts from those that have crossed these waters before?
Tower is being delivered tomorrow!! Digging the hole this Saturday! I'm
worse than a kid at Christmas!
73 - Scott KA9FOX
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