[TowerTalk] EF-240 tuning update
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:28:52 -0400
I was able to get the elements tuned up last night. All
I needed was to add the hairpin coil to the element and
the SWR and resonant frequency all behaved as expected.
Both runs of coax show about the same SWR and resonant
frequency at the rig.
The only difference I found was that the final
dimensions I came up with for the tuning jumpers were
about 3 inches closer to the spreader than the manual
suggests. (27" for the driver...19" for the reflector)
I can't wait to see how the beam performs. With just the
reflector up in the air at about 60 feet, I heard a ZL and
I0 talking on 7.070 last night about 2am (Eastern).
Thanks to everyone who responded....lots of great advice
as always!
see you in CQWW.
--Lee - KT4ZX
Georgetown, KY
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