(Fwd) [TowerTalk] Driving ground rod

Dick Flanagan w6old@qsl.net
Tue, 16 Sep 1997 11:07:09 -0700

At 11:04 AM -0700 9/16/97, Woods, Eric D (pb-Edwoods) wrote:
>When you can't drive rods, put in the counterpoises.  Or have a drill rig
>drill you some holes, put in the rods and backfill with bentonite.

I would have loved to find a ton of bentonite, but the closest source we
could think of was somewhere in Utah and there would have been the
inevitable transporation problem.  Local sources just didn't appear to be

What we probably would have done had we been able to find a =lot= of it
would be to backfill the trenches with it and then put a final layer of
soil over that.

Next time. . . .  :)

73, Dick

Dick Flanagan W6OLD CFII Minden, Nevada (South of Reno)

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