[TowerTalk] Concrete poured...

J.P. Kleinhaus w2xx@cloud9.net
Mon, 13 Apr 1998 12:29:27 -0400


After receiving an education on concrete "slump" vs. PSI
courtesy of this reflector, I successfully  poured 11.5
yards of 5000 PSI concrete for the base and guy anchors
of my AB-105 tower last Friday.

I had originally calculated on about 7 yards, but didn't
allow for the amount of concrete needed to prime the "Putzmeister"
(no kidding!!) pump and 300 feet of 4" pipe.  Also, the first
hole, which was farthest away and downhill got more than planned
because I told the guy to stop pumping when the level was just
about right.  Of course, the hydraulic head pressure from
300 feet of 4" pipe filled with concrete and going downhill
and ending in the hole caused the stuff to keep on coming!!

The subsequent holes were easier, as my crew and I learned from
our earlier experience :-).

Also, there was about 1/2 to 3/4 of a yard left in the hopper
of the Putzmeister that needed to be disposed of.  

Nevertheless, it looks good and I was happy to finally get this
phase of construction done, even if it did cost a small fortune
at NY prices.

Thanks to all on the list for their help, and stay tuned for
more questions regarding guying etc.

73, J.P. W2XX
J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
E-mail:  w2xx@cloud9.net

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