[TowerTalk] Towers falling apart ...

Jari Jussila Jari.Jussila@oh2bu.pp.fi
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 15:01:37 +0300

	Some time ago there was mentioned here in TowerTalk-reflector, that when a
(high) tower collapses for any reason, the parts of the tower fall down in
a circle, which is maximum 30 % of the length of the tower. (I hope I could
explain that clear enough) Could anybody help me to find that message or to
find relevant information.

	A friend of mine has a severe problem with his neighbour demanding him to
move his tower 3 meters further from his house. The house is 40 meters from
the 42 meter high tower. The neighbour is afraid that the tower collapses
and ruins his house ....  



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