[TowerTalk] Re: Broadband dipoles

Healy, Rus RHealy@mdsroc.com
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:40:35 -0400

Pete Smith wrote:

>A local OF (no names please) reports good success in broadbanding his
>80-meter dipole.  Sez he feeds it with 50-ohm line, cut by formula for
>3650, and inserts a quarter-wave of 75-ohm coax a quarter wave down from
>the feedpoint.  He says it produces a double-humped SWR curve that never
>approaches 1:1 but stays between 2:2 from 3500-3800.

(I think you mean "below 2:1.")

>Anyone ever tried this?

Yes, as a matter of fact, Frank Witt, AI1H, wrote a nice QST article on
this about five years ago. I think it was published in the summer or
fall of 1993, just after I left HQ. It was one of the last articles I
edited for QST.

Dave, W6NL, has also tried this, and it works for him.

--73, Rus, NJ2L

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