[TowerTalk] Yaesu G-1000 turning speed query

Dave_K9NX n7ex@athenet.net
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:29:26 +0000

I bought a used Yaesu G-1000SDX at a hamfest earlier this year with no
manual. Thanks to the friendly folks here on the TT reflector I was able to
get the cable connections sorted out and the rotator is turning now. The
G-1000 has a "speed control" . My question is this when turning clockwise
the speed control does in fact control how fast the rotator turns, however
in the counterclockwise direction the speed control has no effect at all,
it apparently only has one speed in reverse and thats slow. Is this normal
behavior for the G-1000 or do I need to pull it apart and look for a problem?


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