[TowerTalk] Water Tank Antenna Bases

Pat Barthelow aa6eg@cv.tmx.com
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 21:42:03 -0700 (PDT)

	The front page of the local newspaper had a picture of
someone cleaning the inside of a large water tank.  This is the first time
I have seen some of the structural detail of the  design of a
large water tank. It had
numerous I-Beams run from the base to the top cover or "roof".   We at
N6IJ are going to have 2 each, 30 ft high, by 100 ft in diameter water
installed a the top of the hill of our contest station.  The tanks are
possibly 5 years in the future...(We had little choice in the
matter, but it may be a blessing in disguise, as the water company
offered to recompense us for our trouble.)
	Any Structures guys out there that know if/how the designs go for
large water tanks supporting a tower in their center?  If it is feasible,
I will give a heads up, early on  to the engineer designing the water
tanks, to
ask for a design that can accomodate a large tower installation in the
center.  it may not reqire much more than an ordinary design, but I do
not know...

73, DX de Pat, AA6EG/N6IJ 
"The Contest Station from the Government"

Marina Amateur Radio Contest Station; N6IJ
599 DX Drive
Marina CA 93933


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