[TowerTalk] ON4ANT's 5-Band Yagis

L. B. Cebik cebik@utkux.utcc.utk.edu
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 22:06:02 -0400 (EDT)

Johan Van de Velde, ON4ANT (what a great call for an antenna experimenter)
asked if I might place his latest designs at my site to make them
available to others who might like to consider, model, or otherwise work
on the designs.  I ordinarily place only my own work at my site, since I
like to read of the work of others in the magazines, but Johan's designs
are such an interesting example of forward-stagger design, that I have a
new entry at the site on the models, given in both AO and EZNEC PD
terms--as well as some extra notes on them.  5 bands, 3+ element
performance for each band, 49.2' boom.

Hope his work is useful to someone--and interesting to all those
interested in Yagi design.

Incidentally, as a result of several suggestions, I am beginning to put
update dates beside the entries so you can tell what is new and what is
"old."  It will take a good while to get all the dates in the main index.

Second incidental:  I added the counter Aug 20, 1997.  The count by Aug.
20, 1998 was nearly 31K.  I appreciate the interest in the notes there,
and am glad they are a bit useful here and there.



L. B. Cebik, W4RNL         /\  /\     *   /  /    /    (Off)(423) 974-7215
1434 High Mesa Drive      /  \/  \/\     ----/\---     (Hm) (423) 938-6335
Knoxville, Tennessee     /\   \   \ \   /  / || /      (FAX)(423) 974-3509
37938-4443     USA      /  \   \   \ \       ||              cebik@utk.edu
                URL:  http://web.utk.edu/~cebik/radio.html

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