[TowerTalk] Amplifiers and Neighbors

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@qsl.net
Tue, 01 Dec 1998 21:41:37 GMT

On Tue, 1 Dec 1998 13:50:32 -0600, kb0onf@juno.com (david l hyman)

>         Was installing a Heathkit SB220 1000 watt amplifier
>         when a fire engine roared down the street and stopped
>         in front of my neighbor's house. Seems that her ADT
>         alarm system was triggered by my signal.
>         Tried using a low pass filter. 

That only keeps harmonics from being radiated and causing lines in
over-the-air TV channels. This is probably being caused by the wires
into the home's ADT controller acting as an antenna for your RF,
subsequently being rectified in the controller or sensor circuitry and
causing circuit falsing.

>         Didn't help. ADT says
>         homeowner will have to pay for fix. 

I believe that the FCC says that susceptibility to RF fields are the
manufacturer's responsibility. Go see the FCC's web page. ADT may be
all wet on this one.

>         Any thoughts
>         from those of you who have experienced the
>         problem. Appreciate any help I can get.

Also RF may be coming in to the unit via the telephone line. Any of
the telephone line RFI fixes will deal with this. (Instead of getting
Donald Duck in the affected unit, you would be getting circuit

>73 de Dave KB0ONF 	

Guy L. Olinger
Apex, NC, USA

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