[TowerTalk] Need Comments on F12- 6M, 10M and 40M ants & a Boomer

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:24:36 EST

In a message dated 98-12-09 10:10:06 EST, scsueepe@mtcnet.net writes:

> I was going to put them on my soon to be installed HDX-555 with 20' Cromaly
>  mast.  This tower is rated for 30 Sqr Ft at 50MPH and 1' above the tower.
>  belive it is rated for 23 Sqr ft at 70MPH

      Sioux County is an 85 MPH windspeed zone so if you're going to get a
permit, you'll have to rate it for that windspeed. If no permit, then you just
have to be REAL careful with the system and the potential windloading

      The complete TIA-222-E list of US counties and their respective
windspeeds are located at the Champion Radio Products web site

Cheers,  Steve    K7LXC

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